Popular summer concert series to start Aug. 3

By Deborah Rose
It’s a matter of days until the Village Green will be bustling with activity for the start of the Edwin Kinkade Summer Concert Series.
The free series, sponsored by the New Milford Commission on the Arts, will begin Aug. 3 at 7 p.m.
A concert will be held each Saturday thereafter at 7 p.m. through Aug. 31 at the bandstand on the south end of the Green.
“Listening to the sounds of music with family and friends from our historic bandstand on our beautiful Green is the perfect way to spend this last stretch of summer,” said Susan Randel, vice chair of the Commission on the Arts.
The series is open the public. Lawn chairs, blankets, and picnics are welcome.
Downtown restaurants will also be open for those who would like to purchase dinner before each concert start.
“We strive to offer a variety of music, from Latin American, to jazz, rock, and everything in between,” Randel said.
The vice chair related that “some of the bands are new to New Milford, while others are returning for a second visit.”
In addition, “there are those who are long time favorites,” Randel said, adding the talent of each band.
New this year is a plan for rain. Instead of canceling the concert, the concert would be moved to the First Congregational Church at 36 Main St., just up the street from the bandstand.
Nina Et Cetera will open the series Aug. 3, performing a combination of original and well-known country, pop, rock and roll, and blues songs.
The duo or trio – depending on the event – has been a staple in numerous venues in the Tri-State area for 10 years.
This will be their first visit to New Milford.
The following Saturday, on Aug. 10, The Red Hots, will take center stage to perform a mix of hot jazz with old blues, country, pop and more.
The band, which formed in 2012, is comprised of founders Petra Herceg, Cynthia Preston and Russell Preston, along with Jay Margolin on percussion, Jeff Moro on bass and Eric Frost on trumpet.
Those who love folks/rock/Americana style music will find the Kenn Morr Band a hit Aug. 17.
The band is currently touring to support its new album, “Still Shining,” which features 11 original songs.
The band’s music has been described as “instantly hummable…uplifting” seemingly coming “right from American’s heartland…”
The vocal harmonies and unique instrumentation on guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, accordion, violin and bouzouki are sure to get the crowd cheering.
Fans of the Grateful Dead will want to be sure to get a good seat Aug. 24 to hear ACE & Friends, a premiere Grateful Dead tribute band.
Established in 2016, the group performs at music venues, festivals, community concerts, private clubs and parties in Connecticut and New York.
The band’s set list is large, with more than 200 songs that were written or covered by the Dead and/or its members.
The series will wrap up Aug. 31 of Labor Day weekend with the music of Rick Reyes and Latin Americana.
The band is described as performing a fusion of Caribbean mountain folk music with North American folk music, including bluegrass, country, and gospel.
Reye’s talent is extensive as a vocalist and guitarist, which are complemented by Caribbean instrumentation such as congas and hand percussion.
Courtesy of BRYAC Photo Mike Thut/Ace & Friends, a premier Grateful Dead tribute band, will perform Aug. 24.
Courtesy of https://therickreyes.com / Rick Reyes will wrap up the concert series Aug. 31.