Parade of Lights: In photos

The annual Parade of Lights, coordinated by Water Witch Hose Co. #2 in New Milford, was held Dec. 14. Nearly 200 vehicles participated from all over the region.
Deborah Rose/Firetrucks from the region participated in the event, include those from Kent.
Deborah Rose/The VW bus returned to the parade this year.
Deborah Rose/Participants line South Main Street in preparation for the start of the parade.
Deborah Rose/A variety of themes were showcased on the vehicles.
Deborah Rose/A team from Candlewood East Marina in Brookfield pump themselves up for the festivities with a cookout at one of the houses on South Main Street, where participants lined up for the parade.
Deborah Rose/The Jennings Oil & Propane float was decked out with lights and a crowd of cheerful holiday-goers.
Deborah Rose/Inflatables of all holiday types adorned the floats in the parade.
Deborah Rose/Scott's Landscaping in New Milford provided a colorful display of holiday cheer.
Deborah Rose/Colorful displays that celebrate the season were abundant.
Deborah Rose/The Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Department was at the start of the parade line.
Deborah Rose/Fieldstone Nursery in New Milford was well represented.
Deborah Rose/Many New Milford businesses, including The Rustic Country Barn, delivered holiday cheer to those gathered downtown for the Parade of Lights.
Deborah Rose/Onlookers were eager to view the hundreds of vehicles that participated in the event.
Deborah Rose/The Litchfield County Irish American Club showcased a colorful display of lights.