It's time to nominate the 'Best of the Best'

It’s time to nominate the "Best of the Best" in New Milford.
The Corporation for New Milford Economic Development is hosting its annual Best of the Best Celebration.
This year, the focus is on the small businesses that form the backbone of our local economy and personify the spirit of entrepreneurship, pride and success.
The awards will recognize the achievements of small businesses in New Milford and honor their significant contributions as drivers of economic growth for our community.
A dedicated website for the event is here:
Nominees should be a person or business that:
· Contributes to the economic health of the community through exceptional business practices and customer service;
· Demonstrates a high level of community involvement through participation in civic and community projects and activities;
· Participates in professional, business and trade associations;
· Provides positive encouragement for employees to participate in community activities through company policy and process.
Nominees must be an independently owned and operated for-profit business based in New Milford and have been in business for more than three consecutive years.
Categories include:
− Small Business of the Year Award
− New Business of the Year Award (began operations between January 2021 to now) − Small Business, Big Heart Award
− Green/Sustainable Small Business of the Year Award
When nominating, please consider the qualifications listed below.
· Leadership
− Manages change or adversity to achieve exceptional business growth
− Maintains outstanding customer services, sound management and ethical business practices − Provides industry leadership with its products/services
· Innovation
− Demonstrates a willingness to take risks
− Introduces creative products/services to the community
− Strives to adapt and improve based on competition and market trends or needs − Recent innovative expansion
· Employee Investment
− Generates outstanding results through employee engagement and teamwork
− Invests in employees through training, benefits and advancement opportunities − Maintains a dynamic culture that attracts and retains a high-quality workforce
· Community Service
− Provides community leadership and sets an example
− Offers support and volunteerism to community and non-profit organizations − Advances economic growth by supporting other local businesses
General Nomination Guidelines
A business may self-nominate or be nominated by an individual, a business organization/association or other company.
· Nominee must have its primary business location in New Milford.
· Please submit all nominations and the supporting documents to the Corporation by email – or postmarked by May 15, 2024.
· All deadlines are firm, and nominations will not be accepted after the May 15, 2024 deadline.
· Attach all supporting documents, narrative, and/or letter of reference with the nomination form.
· It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure the nomination form is complete and all documents are provided. More documentation is better than less.
· Businesses owned by members of the Corporation are not eligible.
Application and Judging
Businesses that meet award eligibility criteria and submit a complete nomination will be considered for this award. Top nominees and recipients are chosen based on the quality of the application and scoring from a criteria matrix set by the Corporation.
The Corporation may follow up with nominees for further information.
Nomination Timeline
- May 15: Nomination Deadline
- May 22: Top Nominees in each category publicly announced
- June 6: Nominees/Recipients Honored at the Annual “Best of the Best” Awards
The top three nominees in each category will receive two complimentary tickets to the Awards where award recipients will be announced.
Award recipient information will not be released publicly until the Award night.
To make a nomination: