In photos: Odd Fellows corned beef dinner
Annual corned beef and cabbage dinner served

Deborah Rose/Mary Prause greets patrons of the annual corned beef and cabbage dinner held at the Odd Fellows Hall March 8. Prause is a member of Palm Rebekah Lodge at the hall.
Deborah Rose/Chris Prause serves a table of guests, including Pat Erickson of New Milford.
Deborah Rose/Marty and Melissa Titus oversee the corned beef station in the kitchen.
Deborah Rose/The annual tradition continued March 8 at Odd Fellows Hall.
Deborah Rose/Attendees, from left to right, Lynn Webster, Mary Cleary, and Larry Gunerman chat during the evening’s activities.
Deborah Rose/Volunteer Kierra Bauer serves guests, including Larry Gunerman, at the event.