Holiday party for seniors: In photos

The Lions Club of New Milford once again brought holiday cheer to well more than 100 seniors at its annual holiday party. The event, held Dec. 8 at the VFW, featured a meal and dessert, music, holiday cards, gifts, dancing and visits with both The Grinch and Santa Claus. Students from Scahgticoke Middle School's Leo Club and New Milford Scouting of America Troop 58 were on hand to assist the Lions in the festivities.
Deborah Rose/The Lions Club of New Milford held its annual holiday party for seniors Dec. 8, 2024, at the VFW. A hot meal and dessert were served to approximately 125 seniors.
Deborah Rose/Don Macinnis and his wife, Lorna, enjoy a slow dance.
Deborah Rose/On the Road Again provided the music for guests who enjoyed showing off their skills on the dance floor.
Deborah Rose/Cindy and Dave Tranquilli share a special moment on the dance floor.
Deborah Rose/Rich Sherwood's dance moves attract attention for fellow dancers.
Deborah Rose/Julie Sorcek, a member of the band On the Road Again, keeps time as she engages with the audience.
Deborah Rose/Guests received festive holiday cards.
Deborah Rose/Stephen Szilagyi serves up dessert in the kitchen.
Deborah Rose/A number of individuals, civic organizations, nonprofits and businesses supported this year's holiday party coordinated by the Lions Club.
Deborah Rose/Every guest received a wrapped present.
Deborah Rose/The Grinch made an appearance at the party to dampen spirits, but guests were not deterred by his antics.
Deborah Rose/The holiday tune "Here Comes Santa Claus" welcomed Santa to the event.
Deborah Rose/Santa cheered as he delighted in the "snow" that fell as he made a special appearance for the seniors.
Deborah Rose/A joyful Santa visits with John Bacon to offering holiday greetings.
Deborah Rose/Members of Schaghticoke Middle School's Leo Club passed around the presents Santa brought for each guest.
Deborah Rose/Smiles were abundant as dancing continued during the festivities, as evident by, from left to right, Sandee Cats, and Holly and Larry Johnson.
Deborah Rose/Yolanda Perlman unwraps her gift.
Deborah Rose/Lynn Burke and Anousch Torosyan were among the 125 guests who enjoyed the afternoon party.