Colors for Pride Picnic shine on Village Green

LTBTQIA+ community celebrates Pride Month in New Milford

The Village Green in New Milford was bursting with color Saturday with the PIcnic for Pride. The family-friendly picnic, which celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community, featured music, games organized by the New Milford Youth Agency, a Photo Booth, a community art piece, LGBTQIA+ artisans and crafters, and booths with social services organizations that support the LGBTQIA+ community.

Deborah Rose/A rainbow banner hung near the bandstand during the festivities.

Deborah Rose/Social Services Director Ivan Butera, left, oversees the social services booth which picnic attendees, including Rex Eastwood of Southbury, visited.

Deborah Rose/Representatives from the Merryall Center were on hand for the event. The center offered LGBTQIA+ events for Pride Month this month.

Deborah Rose/Stephanie Swarthout, left, and Kylie Block, both of New Milford, visit the New Milford Pride booth, where flags and other celebratory swag were available.

Deborah Rose/Members of the community and surrounding towns attended the event.