Dog Training with Donna

Donna has over 15 years of hands-on canine training experience. Donna works hard to help each dog guardian have the tools and knowledge needed to build a stronger and healthier relationship with their dog.
*All classes require proof of rabies prior to the first class.
*Humans - No open toed shoes/sandals to class
In response to the national atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC) we will be following guidelines as outlined by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.
Basic Obedience 1
Has your dog completed the prerequisite class of either the S.T.A.R. Puppy or Tweener Class and you're looking for the next level of training? Then this is the group class for you! The Basic Obedience 1 class takes the skills learned in the Star Puppy / Tweener Class to the next level. We revisit all the skills you have learned - increasing difficulty and reliability of performance. This fun class uses games which support teaching our dogs good manners while having fun at the same time!!
Basic Obedience 2
If you have completed the prerequisite class Basic Obedience 1 and want to start preparing for the Canine Good Citizen class - then this is the group for you. This class focuses on enhancing your leash work skills, how to increase your dog's ability to follow cues with various levels of distractions, as well as how to start getting more behavior for less rewards. You will also learn how to teach your dog to listen to cues from a distance rather than just right in front of you.