Dog Training with Donna

Donna has over 15 years of hands-on canine training experience. Donna works hard to help each dog guardian have the tools and knowledge needed to build a stronger and healthier relationship with their dog.
*All classes require proof of rabies prior to the first class.
*Humans - No open toed shoes/sandals to class
In response to the national atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC) we will be following guidelines as outlined by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.
The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is an exciting program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start. The S.T.A.R. puppy program includes the following: basic puppy-raising information (jumping, house training, nipping...), basic obedience skills, how to better communicate and understand the language of dogs, and what is needed for responsible pet ownership. This program is designed for dogs less than 7 months in age who have not had any prior group experience.
Is your dog 7 months or older and never attended a basic obedience class? Then this is the group class for you! The Tweener class will cover all basic obedience skills (including how to infuse these skills as part of everyday life), how to better communicate with and understand the language of dogs, and what is needed for responsible pet ownership.
*This is not a reactive dog class. Each dog needs to be privately evaluated by the instructor.